Optics School

Scopes, Sights, Binoculars & Tools

Zeroing you in on the optics you need

how to sight in a rifle scope

How to Sight in a Rifle Scope

Ammunition is expensive, and there's no sense in putting rounds down-range unless you can put them on what you're aiming for. Here's how to get that in a few easy steps

Why Is my Rifle Scope Blurry?

There are numerous reasons for your rifle scope to be blurry. Dirty lenses, blurry recticle, issues from high magnification, focusing for parallax and mirage effects to name a few

Eye Relief & How to Adjust It

What is eye relief on a scope, how to adjust it, and keep your setup from causing injury to the eyes. There are three different kinds, and we cover them all

What We Do - Who We Help

A Setup Is only as Good as It's Ability to Find the Target

I don’t know about you, but I see any purchase I make for my gear as an investment. We’ve all laughed at that buddy who spent a few grand on a new gun, only to put a cheap scope on it. If knowing is half the battle, in an online world where everyone’s selling something, we’re here to help find that balance between high-quality and wallet-friendly optics products so you can spend more time putting that new hardware to use doing what you got it for.

rifle scope optics adjustment

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Choosing the right rifle scope can be a daunting task. The task even worsens when you buy a rifle scope under $500. There are plenty of high-quality, budget-friendly riflescopes available that give optimum performance without crashing your bank. But there are equal chances of you falling for a wrong choice.

rifle scope optics adjustment

How to Adjust a Rifle Scope

A riflescope can enhance your aiming accuracy to a whole new level. But, it is important to know how to adjust the scope to get the full benefit of it....

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